Jami Jackson's Music Player

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Are You Living Your Purpose? Learn How Volunteerism Is The New "Green" show

I had a really great radio interview for the BlogTalk Internet Radio Show (the fastest growing internet audience) called, "Caviar and Chitterling" tonight at 8pm (EST). Caviar & Chitterling, a spin-off from TaylorMade Media's critically acclaimed "As Powerful As You Want To Be" PR Boot Camp, hosted by PR Expert, Karen Taylor Bass. Caviar & Chitterling empowers African-American entrepreneurs, small biz owners and individuals to implement real PR strategies to grow their biz, revenue and contact base and at the same time get involved with the issues that impact their communities.

Last night's show was entitled, "The Are You Living Your Purpose? Learn How Volunteerism Is The New "Green" and we talked about my professional singing career, the motivation for "Keep Walkin' On", and my message to others to stay motivated in life. It was a great show! I had so many things to say about working in the business of music and social media tips. I also had great questions from the audience. I really hope that my interview helped someone else become more motivated to work toward their goals. Here is the podcast of the show to listen:



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