Jami Jackson's Music Player

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Recording Studio Experience with Brandon Pierre, Singer/Songwriter, and Josh Gunn, MC and Rapper

On Saturday night, I went to the studio to help Brandon Pierre, the artist on the top, and Josh Gunn, the artist on the bottom, record a song that they were working on. Brandon has a beautiful voice!! It was the first time I met him. Me and Josh go waaaaay back, on the other hand. I've known Josh Gunn since middle school. I've always known Josh to be a talented lyricist and rapper. I met Brandon for the first time on Saturday and I was enamored by his voice! He sang with such passion and control. He was working with another songwriter that goes by Bread, and the song that they wrote together was a great song. It had a slow, soulful R&B feel to it, but the way Brandon sang it, it was so effortless and easy to get into. I really didn't have much to contribute to the song except for a high note, but I was glad to do it!! It's always great meeting new artists in the area and working with new talent. Once the song has been released, I'll be sure to show you where you can listen to it and buy it! Josh Gunn also worked on a song with Brandon that was really tight!! His lyrics fit right in with the song. He also played some of the music that he is planning to release this year and the songs are on fire! I'm really excited for him! He said he'll be doing shows all along the East Coast, so I can give you all updates regarding his project and shows as well!

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